Friday, March 2, 2007

I dont mean to be insensative, but I am so tired of hearing about Anna Nicole Smith on the news!!! We know she is dead, and that was all I needed to know. This is should have been a blurb in the news if anything at all. Why are we still getting 24/7 breaking news coverage of this crap!?! The reason why is because the news has a credo that says "If it bleeds, it leads.". This story has no newsworthiness at all. But people is easy for dumb minds to digest, and its easy for the news to produce a real life dramatic situation on camera, and this story is the perfect catalyist for the drama. So if anyone from CNN, NBC, or ABC is out there and reading this could you please tell your producers to move this thing along. And as for FOX news, well...they are pretty much hopeless.

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