Thursday, December 21, 2006

It seems that recently many people my age(20-25) have been getting married. I think this is great if you have the means, a.k.a. funds, and reason. But most people my age dont. I wasnt to skeptical about the whole thing until recently when someone who I knew asked via facebook for money to help fund there wedding. I was shocked and kind of disappointed. One because a wedding is a big deal, and if you dont have the money to fund a wedding how are you supposed to start a life together. I dont believe anyone should be married until they are completely ready, and they have everything else in there life in line. Because you cant start a new life unless you have everything squared away.

1 comment:

oso said...

You tell them AJ!!!!

Hey, by the way, can you go to Youtube, log in, and rate our video to a five star? (I can't).

Some asshole rated it a ONE star (can you believe that man's balls? Must've been blue after the video ended ;)

Anyhow, please do that because our views have not grown past that (only 1800 views :( !)

Ok, success!